
The Logo Dojo

The Logo Dojo

The Logo Dojo

After I graduated from Texas Tech my wife, then fiancé, still had a year left and I chose to look for work in Lubbock, Texas until she graduated. 

I was blessed to be hired on at SignDesign Graphics as a full-time Graphic Designer. Working at a sign shop was an invaluable experience because I was able to sharpen my design skills with the influx of work that came across my desk everyday. It was a pleasure to go to work and not know what kind of project would be waiting for me. 

During my time at SignDesign I found my niche in creating Logos. Whether it be for a startup up or for a rebrand I got great enjoyment out of the challenge and my clients got a bit of joy out of there one-of-a-kind mark. With my employers permission I published my work on my new freelance site, The Logo Dojo, and opened up shop. 

The Process

The Process

When I first decided that I would do well to make my passion for logos into a business, I was of course presented with the challenge of naming my business and creating a logo for myself. 

The Logo Dojo was actually named by my dearest friend who lives back in St. Louis, Missouri. I told him my idea for the business and while I was mentally brainstorming names, The Logo Dojo was the first thing he said. 

It was perfect. Pictured here is a small snapshot into my process and the evolution of the The Logo Dojo's identity. The top line of logos are the natural progress of my first visual idea. The bottom are the progression of ideas to let to my final mark. 

Business Cards

Business Cards

The Proof

The Proof

While I was designing for SignDesign Graphics I learned how to cover my bases when it came to the company's intellectual property and time. All designers were required to send their proofs for all projects to clients on a proof sheet similar to the one pictured above. I created the proof sheet shown to send to my Logo Dojo clients as a legal document that protected me from client grievances over errors or miscommunication with a logo after approval. 



Once I nailed down my own visual brand I created an account on squarespace to display my work and create a service based online shop. On my site you can view the work I've created for clients during my time at SignDesign Graphics and as a freelance designer.